American Management Network

Day: August 15, 2022

Why have a quality management system – benefits of using a QMS

There are many reasons why having a quality management system (QMS) can benefit your business. A quality management system certified to ISO 9001 standards supports businesses in improving customer satisfaction, reducing wastage costs, and demonstrates your commitment to quality to investors and customers. As of 2020, 32,238 ISO 9001 certificates have been issued in the U.S. While some business benefits […]

How to create an effective business continuity plan

An effective business continuity plan ensures your business can survive a disaster or disruption and reduce the amount of downtime or lost productivity. A business continuity plan protects vital business functions and operations, allowing your organization to continue operating or start a recovery strategy. A business continuity plan is vital for businesses of all sizes, regardless of […]

Cyber security checklist and essential controls for SMEs

American businesses are facing the growing problem of cybercrime. Cyber attacks can seriously harm an organization, especially for smaller companies that may lack the expertise and resources to prevent attacks. Implementing essential cyber controls as part of a cyber security checklist can help protect your organization, reduce downtime, and protect valuable data. Regardless of the […]

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